Monday, October 5, 2020

404 Pages: Why Do They Need Your Attention?

After months of sleepless nights and hard work, you have finally come up with an amazing website that is free of glitches and any other technical errors. For some reasons what has actually worked for you once break down and you even don’t have to be there to witness that. Broken links, products you don’t sell anymore, the video that doesn’t play and images that no longer heart capturing and the list goes on…

Do you know what these things and bad SEO services have in common? They just drive your valuable customers away but before that, they irritate them to the point they won’t come back to the same website again.

One way to reduce the sting of irritation is to make your 404 pages creative with the help of web development service via ProICT LLC. Do you know how your 404 pages appear? Yes, I agree that you made some efforts to make them look pleasing and I will give you A for that but you need to understand that there is much more that need to be done.

What is the Ultimate Goal of Creating a 404-Page Design?

The primary goal to create the 404 pages is to apologize, it can be a mistake from your side or the searcher might have typed something wrong. Despite blames, you need to comprehend that your seeker has come to a dead-end and you have an opportunity to show them an alternative to keep them enlightenment.

Things 404 pages can do for your website

If you think that your 404 pages are useless and bring nothing but discomfort to your clients then, you are wrong. Here are some things the 404 pages can do for your website:

  • Brand your page: You can use your 404 pages to promote your brand. All you have to do is write down the message you use in your communication.
  • Link the other relevant pages: You can add the link to your home page or other relevant to divert their attention.
  • Use little humor to lighten the mood: As your searcher has come to a dead-end, he or she might be frustrated to hell. Here comes humor to rescue your reputation and business image. Add some humor in your 404-page design to lighten up the mood.
  • Write down reasons why they might have ended on this page: you can show them several reasons why they might have landed to this page. It could be broken the link, or the product or services they are searching have been removed or the cow just ate it.
  • Suggest they read blogs: you can show them a path that leads toward recent blog posts.

However, if you are searching for some amazing 404-page designs before hiring website development services, then here are some heart-robbing examples that can help you out.


Known as one of the best software development and marketing website, Hubspot has won the first spot for its mind-blowing 404-page design. Let’s take a look at it and you will understand why it is receiving so much applause.


The second best 404 design on the list belongs to the onion. I don’t know much about the company but I must say they have some good designers with great humor. If you don’t believe me, then check by yourself;

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