Monday, September 28, 2020

How Bots Are Inflating Egos and Affecting Businesses?

Instagram bots has become a new hot topic in the market nowadays. Users from across the world are claiming that bots are liking and commenting on their posts. As surprising it may sound, it is true. Although, people with public accounts on Instagram may not realize it yet that when random people like and comment their post, it is the work of the cottage industry of websites which you can hire at a price as cheapest as $10 per month. This indeed is affecting the social media marketing strategies of businesses.

What strategy works here?

Ever heard about rouge marketing tactics? As you can already figure out, this strategy includes automated liking, following and commenting on different random posts on Instagram to catch the attention of other Instagram followers in hope they will follow back in return. So, is it violating the rule of Instagram?

Yes, the fake activity has violated the rules set up by the Instagram to maintain the trust and visibility on the platform. That’s the reason, Instagram has decided to take action and shut down accounts that are cracking down on businesses. These rigid actions have led to the shuttering of accounts like-InstaPlus, Instagress, Mass Planner, Fan Harvest, PeerBoost and more.

How it is going to affect businesses?

According to the New York Times- Increasing piles of followers on the Instagram account gives small businesses and influencers legitimacy to spread their words. For instance, suppose you have an Instagram account with the 10,000 followers. Now, if someone would land at your through either directly or indirectly might think, “wow this account is popular and maybe I should follow to start paying attention”. And that’s how popular accounts gains more followers with each post.
But marketers are no longer going to sit down and witness this havoc breaking down the empire they have built after years of sweat and tears. Bob Gilbreath- the marketing executive of Ahalogy- the marketing-based company situated in Cincinnati explained “the total number of followers doesn’t matter anymore thanks to the fake following.” He further explained that “it is untrustworthy for the true following and it is certainly untrustworthy for the quality of the creative work.”

How it is putting a stain on Facebook’s reputation?

Now, when you know that Instagram’s system can be gamed, are you going to trust them to run your marketing campaigns or social media marketing services? It is a big NO NO for anyone who have got enough brain to think twice before falling into the tricks.
Instagram is still lip-sealed on this hot topic and avoiding to make any comment on the why it is just now taking an action against such sites. Recently, one of the spokespersons of the company came forward to announce that “any service that allow people to create bots to gain inauthentic followers as spam by pointing at the guidelines is prohibit users from artificially collecting the likes and followers and repetitive comments.”
After this statement, different sites posted notices on their accounts but they didn’t assure that they will stop posting comments on random posts.
Even though these accounts were helpful to many people, they are cheapening the value of Instagram which will degrade the actual value of the platform in a long run.
In the end, marketers are taking extra efforts to overcome this challenging my targeting only authentic accounts for real following

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Email Marketing: The Struggle or Strike for Marketing Results?

In the era of modern marketing, many tend to believe that email marketing is no longer effective. However, it is simply not the whole truth. I agree with the fact that email marketing has its own downtime in the past but that doesn’t mean that email marketing has lost its value among the marketers.

If you are still sitting on the fence with some doubts regarding the capability of the email marketing in delivering desired results, then the below blog is what you need. What else? Well by analyzing and understanding the given stats, you can come up with a proper strategy to strengthen up your current email marketing services.

Find what your audience is looking for?

Every year, more than 103 trillion emails are sent or received. Almost every brand is using email to target their ideal customers especially when it comes to cracking the deal. In fact, in the recent survey, marketing experts found out that 60% of the customers intentionally subscribe to receive one of their favorite store’s emails about special offers, discounts or new arrivals. So, if possible, try to include exclusive sales, discounts and offers in your email here and there to keep your target audience engaged and if possible convert.

How your email will look on the mobile device?

The mobile-first approach has become the key to marketing success. It doesn’t matter whether, it is design, structure or email you should always put mobile devices on priority. As people no longer prefer to view their emails on the desktop, you should design their email as per the mobile viewers.

When is the right time to hit the send button?

Apart from optimizing your email for the mobile users, you also need to find out when is the right time to hit the “send” button.

According to the recent survey, the best time to send your designed emails is at the beginning of the month- to be exact before the 11th of the month. Although, emails that are sent after the 11th of the month don’t perform poorly it is always good to stay on the safe sight.

In addition to sending them at the beginning of the month, it also important to send emails at the optimal time. Nowadays, checking messages and emails is the first thing people do after getting up. Therefore, it is highly recommended to send your email early in the morning.

What makes receivers too mark your email as spam?

Do you know more than half of the emails across the world get spammed? The reason behind getting email spammed is the reader finds the email content irrelevant or they receive the same email too often. If you are also sending irrelevant emails too often then, don’t feel surprised when they get spammed.

In fact, there are many users who feel that out of 100, 80% of the emails they receive are not useful… and they are not the only one who feels this way.

Email marketing solution is the best way to grab customers’ attention only if you know how to properly optimize it with proper strategy. Moreover, if you are facing issues when optimizing emails acquire Digital marketing service Provider Company in the USA. The experts at the ProICT LLP are always ready to help you out. Visit the website to learn more!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Make Sure You’re Implementing the Right Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing professionals work like an all-rounder that holds the ability to resolve the mess of presenting your product in front of consumers. Channels web, social, email, customer resource management (CRM), influencer engagement, and paid media are very necessary for online marketing professionals to perform all the online marketing activities. Planning where to spend your time and money to drive awareness about your next strategic move can be a tough endeavor. But an expert can do this easily with this knowledge and skills as each channel requires its own level of experience and knowledge of industry best practices to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Digital Marketing is beyond our expectations

Google is the premier arbiter of SEO when it involves natural search and lots of the foundations that compose its algorithm change constantly, as does its approach to ad delivery. For instance, when you do search on Google, ‘digitalmarketing service provider near me’ you will get details of service providers that placed high on those phrases that supported the content on their sites in addition because of the number of individuals that availed their services and products.

Now, Google has introduced the ‘carousel’ for financial terms, which adds images for a variety of products/businesses at the highest of the page that you just can't scroll through. This is often a significantly different approach and requires a replacement for using SEO techniques.

Has your digital marketing team adapted?

Community financial institutions are challenged out and away over these issues, such a large amount of times they find themselves using their previous strategies to resolve these new challenges.

Pick Your Social Media with Data

Are you actually raising your brand awareness or developing leads along with your target audience? Compiling this data should be the highest priority of your social media manager. That is why professionals need to focus the attention of the relevant audience on what's working for your organization and start testing marketing messaging with those platforms and followers to form measurable positive results.

Stay Human

However, digital marketing techniques are necessary for keeping community financial matters strong, so that tech shouldn’t overpower the key attribute of community banks and credit unions, their strong connection to their communities and therefore the people in them. Finding platforms that may deliver on both the efficiencies of the latest technologies while keeping the individuality of human-centered banking are powerful tools for your business and make much greater reference to your customers.

Make sure your digital marketing team knows your goals and understands the values you wish to spotlight. While your customers or members won't visit your branches as they won’t do, they must still desire they're valued as masses and not account balances. The thanks to doing this may have shifted to more tech-based solutions but you must see this as a chance to extend your message of community across new media and leverage new technology to make a more personalized experience.

Social media channels

Developing a robust social media marketing campaign has become a necessary thing for many community financial institutions. But the challenge is, the way to balance that with other digital marketing priorities. And while it should seem relatively easy to assign a twentysomething within the office to the task, it's become more complicated than sending out pictures of your tellers or a bunch of employees studying trash by the side of an area highway. The shifting sands of social media are more complex than they seem. and easily posting across the foremost platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter isn’t a technique. The very fact is, the mile wide, inch deep strategy to social media marketing isn’t effective to any extent further.

Now, the blog ends here, I hope it will help you to know the right implementation of online marketing techniques. So it is suggested to use the above strategies as your digital marketing tactic for better search rankings as well as more loyal customers too. Those who need any guidance or assistance while implementing the above strategies can have a word with the digital marketing experts of ProICT LLC. moreover, you can read more blogs and articles related to it at the official website.