Monday, October 5, 2020

404 Pages: Why Do They Need Your Attention?

After months of sleepless nights and hard work, you have finally come up with an amazing website that is free of glitches and any other technical errors. For some reasons what has actually worked for you once break down and you even don’t have to be there to witness that. Broken links, products you don’t sell anymore, the video that doesn’t play and images that no longer heart capturing and the list goes on…

Do you know what these things and bad SEO services have in common? They just drive your valuable customers away but before that, they irritate them to the point they won’t come back to the same website again.

One way to reduce the sting of irritation is to make your 404 pages creative with the help of web development service via ProICT LLC. Do you know how your 404 pages appear? Yes, I agree that you made some efforts to make them look pleasing and I will give you A for that but you need to understand that there is much more that need to be done.

What is the Ultimate Goal of Creating a 404-Page Design?

The primary goal to create the 404 pages is to apologize, it can be a mistake from your side or the searcher might have typed something wrong. Despite blames, you need to comprehend that your seeker has come to a dead-end and you have an opportunity to show them an alternative to keep them enlightenment.

Things 404 pages can do for your website

If you think that your 404 pages are useless and bring nothing but discomfort to your clients then, you are wrong. Here are some things the 404 pages can do for your website:

  • Brand your page: You can use your 404 pages to promote your brand. All you have to do is write down the message you use in your communication.
  • Link the other relevant pages: You can add the link to your home page or other relevant to divert their attention.
  • Use little humor to lighten the mood: As your searcher has come to a dead-end, he or she might be frustrated to hell. Here comes humor to rescue your reputation and business image. Add some humor in your 404-page design to lighten up the mood.
  • Write down reasons why they might have ended on this page: you can show them several reasons why they might have landed to this page. It could be broken the link, or the product or services they are searching have been removed or the cow just ate it.
  • Suggest they read blogs: you can show them a path that leads toward recent blog posts.

However, if you are searching for some amazing 404-page designs before hiring website development services, then here are some heart-robbing examples that can help you out.


Known as one of the best software development and marketing website, Hubspot has won the first spot for its mind-blowing 404-page design. Let’s take a look at it and you will understand why it is receiving so much applause.


The second best 404 design on the list belongs to the onion. I don’t know much about the company but I must say they have some good designers with great humor. If you don’t believe me, then check by yourself;

Monday, September 28, 2020

How Bots Are Inflating Egos and Affecting Businesses?

Instagram bots has become a new hot topic in the market nowadays. Users from across the world are claiming that bots are liking and commenting on their posts. As surprising it may sound, it is true. Although, people with public accounts on Instagram may not realize it yet that when random people like and comment their post, it is the work of the cottage industry of websites which you can hire at a price as cheapest as $10 per month. This indeed is affecting the social media marketing strategies of businesses.

What strategy works here?

Ever heard about rouge marketing tactics? As you can already figure out, this strategy includes automated liking, following and commenting on different random posts on Instagram to catch the attention of other Instagram followers in hope they will follow back in return. So, is it violating the rule of Instagram?

Yes, the fake activity has violated the rules set up by the Instagram to maintain the trust and visibility on the platform. That’s the reason, Instagram has decided to take action and shut down accounts that are cracking down on businesses. These rigid actions have led to the shuttering of accounts like-InstaPlus, Instagress, Mass Planner, Fan Harvest, PeerBoost and more.

How it is going to affect businesses?

According to the New York Times- Increasing piles of followers on the Instagram account gives small businesses and influencers legitimacy to spread their words. For instance, suppose you have an Instagram account with the 10,000 followers. Now, if someone would land at your through either directly or indirectly might think, “wow this account is popular and maybe I should follow to start paying attention”. And that’s how popular accounts gains more followers with each post.
But marketers are no longer going to sit down and witness this havoc breaking down the empire they have built after years of sweat and tears. Bob Gilbreath- the marketing executive of Ahalogy- the marketing-based company situated in Cincinnati explained “the total number of followers doesn’t matter anymore thanks to the fake following.” He further explained that “it is untrustworthy for the true following and it is certainly untrustworthy for the quality of the creative work.”

How it is putting a stain on Facebook’s reputation?

Now, when you know that Instagram’s system can be gamed, are you going to trust them to run your marketing campaigns or social media marketing services? It is a big NO NO for anyone who have got enough brain to think twice before falling into the tricks.
Instagram is still lip-sealed on this hot topic and avoiding to make any comment on the why it is just now taking an action against such sites. Recently, one of the spokespersons of the company came forward to announce that “any service that allow people to create bots to gain inauthentic followers as spam by pointing at the guidelines is prohibit users from artificially collecting the likes and followers and repetitive comments.”
After this statement, different sites posted notices on their accounts but they didn’t assure that they will stop posting comments on random posts.
Even though these accounts were helpful to many people, they are cheapening the value of Instagram which will degrade the actual value of the platform in a long run.
In the end, marketers are taking extra efforts to overcome this challenging my targeting only authentic accounts for real following

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Email Marketing: The Struggle or Strike for Marketing Results?

In the era of modern marketing, many tend to believe that email marketing is no longer effective. However, it is simply not the whole truth. I agree with the fact that email marketing has its own downtime in the past but that doesn’t mean that email marketing has lost its value among the marketers.

If you are still sitting on the fence with some doubts regarding the capability of the email marketing in delivering desired results, then the below blog is what you need. What else? Well by analyzing and understanding the given stats, you can come up with a proper strategy to strengthen up your current email marketing services.

Find what your audience is looking for?

Every year, more than 103 trillion emails are sent or received. Almost every brand is using email to target their ideal customers especially when it comes to cracking the deal. In fact, in the recent survey, marketing experts found out that 60% of the customers intentionally subscribe to receive one of their favorite store’s emails about special offers, discounts or new arrivals. So, if possible, try to include exclusive sales, discounts and offers in your email here and there to keep your target audience engaged and if possible convert.

How your email will look on the mobile device?

The mobile-first approach has become the key to marketing success. It doesn’t matter whether, it is design, structure or email you should always put mobile devices on priority. As people no longer prefer to view their emails on the desktop, you should design their email as per the mobile viewers.

When is the right time to hit the send button?

Apart from optimizing your email for the mobile users, you also need to find out when is the right time to hit the “send” button.

According to the recent survey, the best time to send your designed emails is at the beginning of the month- to be exact before the 11th of the month. Although, emails that are sent after the 11th of the month don’t perform poorly it is always good to stay on the safe sight.

In addition to sending them at the beginning of the month, it also important to send emails at the optimal time. Nowadays, checking messages and emails is the first thing people do after getting up. Therefore, it is highly recommended to send your email early in the morning.

What makes receivers too mark your email as spam?

Do you know more than half of the emails across the world get spammed? The reason behind getting email spammed is the reader finds the email content irrelevant or they receive the same email too often. If you are also sending irrelevant emails too often then, don’t feel surprised when they get spammed.

In fact, there are many users who feel that out of 100, 80% of the emails they receive are not useful… and they are not the only one who feels this way.

Email marketing solution is the best way to grab customers’ attention only if you know how to properly optimize it with proper strategy. Moreover, if you are facing issues when optimizing emails acquire Digital marketing service Provider Company in the USA. The experts at the ProICT LLP are always ready to help you out. Visit the website to learn more!

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Make Sure You’re Implementing the Right Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital marketing professionals work like an all-rounder that holds the ability to resolve the mess of presenting your product in front of consumers. Channels web, social, email, customer resource management (CRM), influencer engagement, and paid media are very necessary for online marketing professionals to perform all the online marketing activities. Planning where to spend your time and money to drive awareness about your next strategic move can be a tough endeavor. But an expert can do this easily with this knowledge and skills as each channel requires its own level of experience and knowledge of industry best practices to maximize your return on investment (ROI).

Digital Marketing is beyond our expectations

Google is the premier arbiter of SEO when it involves natural search and lots of the foundations that compose its algorithm change constantly, as does its approach to ad delivery. For instance, when you do search on Google, ‘digitalmarketing service provider near me’ you will get details of service providers that placed high on those phrases that supported the content on their sites in addition because of the number of individuals that availed their services and products.

Now, Google has introduced the ‘carousel’ for financial terms, which adds images for a variety of products/businesses at the highest of the page that you just can't scroll through. This is often a significantly different approach and requires a replacement for using SEO techniques.

Has your digital marketing team adapted?

Community financial institutions are challenged out and away over these issues, such a large amount of times they find themselves using their previous strategies to resolve these new challenges.

Pick Your Social Media with Data

Are you actually raising your brand awareness or developing leads along with your target audience? Compiling this data should be the highest priority of your social media manager. That is why professionals need to focus the attention of the relevant audience on what's working for your organization and start testing marketing messaging with those platforms and followers to form measurable positive results.

Stay Human

However, digital marketing techniques are necessary for keeping community financial matters strong, so that tech shouldn’t overpower the key attribute of community banks and credit unions, their strong connection to their communities and therefore the people in them. Finding platforms that may deliver on both the efficiencies of the latest technologies while keeping the individuality of human-centered banking are powerful tools for your business and make much greater reference to your customers.

Make sure your digital marketing team knows your goals and understands the values you wish to spotlight. While your customers or members won't visit your branches as they won’t do, they must still desire they're valued as masses and not account balances. The thanks to doing this may have shifted to more tech-based solutions but you must see this as a chance to extend your message of community across new media and leverage new technology to make a more personalized experience.

Social media channels

Developing a robust social media marketing campaign has become a necessary thing for many community financial institutions. But the challenge is, the way to balance that with other digital marketing priorities. And while it should seem relatively easy to assign a twentysomething within the office to the task, it's become more complicated than sending out pictures of your tellers or a bunch of employees studying trash by the side of an area highway. The shifting sands of social media are more complex than they seem. and easily posting across the foremost platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter isn’t a technique. The very fact is, the mile wide, inch deep strategy to social media marketing isn’t effective to any extent further.

Now, the blog ends here, I hope it will help you to know the right implementation of online marketing techniques. So it is suggested to use the above strategies as your digital marketing tactic for better search rankings as well as more loyal customers too. Those who need any guidance or assistance while implementing the above strategies can have a word with the digital marketing experts of ProICT LLC. moreover, you can read more blogs and articles related to it at the official website.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

How Past and Recent Google Algorithm Updates Are Affecting Your Results?

A wise man once said “change is inventible. Growth is optional” and we could never agree more!
When it comes to the SEO world changes are bound to happen. Google itself has made more than 3200 changes in the past year. This tidbit was enough to panic every individual who has an online website. The number is so huge that people have started wondering if they have actually experienced these many changes while running their website on Google?

But whether they believe it or not Google did made these changes in the past year. In its last post, Google disclosed that “Our algorithm is like a complex math equation that relies upon the various variables. In the past year alone we have made 3200 changes”. If we calculate, it means around 8 to 9 changes per day which are more than enough to make you re-consider your search engine optimization strategies. So, do you think you are prepared for this? Let’s continue and find out….

Why Google Changes Matters to Your Business?

Every business that is running over the internet must give some importance to Google. Known as the king of the search engine, Google claims more than 90% of the total web searches which makes it a primary path for your target audience to find about your business online. Most of the SEO Service Provider Companies in the USA prioritize the Google algorithm when they create a content marketing strategy for their website.

Although they are doing everything right today, they live in fear that one Google algorithm update will come and swept away their efforts overnight leaving nothing behind but trails of not found pages on SERPs. 

Can you predict Google algorithm updates in advance?

If you think that if you can predict the algorithm and prepare in advance, then you are either naïve or living in dark? Even the most experienced SEO Service Provider Companies in the USA cannot predict when and which Google update is going to hit the market. So, none of us can be entirely prepared for it. However, there is still one thing you can do- prepare the list of Search Engine Optimization Strategies to learn what Google actually want and expect. Staying on top of Google algorithm updates and analyzing its impact is the only way to protect your ranking on Google.

How to keep your ranking stable in 2020

Every single time when Google updates its algorithm, you should consult with your SEO Service Provider Company in the USA to update your marketing strategies to keep the pace. But despite changes, the primary aim of Google is to promote its key recommendations it has been making for years. In 2020, you can way to keep your ranking stable by following the below recommendations:
  •          Make sure your website is mobile-friendly
  •        Your website speed matters the most
  •          Find out topics that interest your audience and write upon them
  •         Focus on creating high-quality content
  •          Write for your audience with strategy

In the end, we cannot neglect the fact that the future is uncertain but we can surely learn from the updates Google made in the past to prepare for our future. Make sure your latest Search Engine Optimization Strategies reflect the past updates made by Google and have space to adjust for changes that are about to occur in the next few months.
Moreover, if you are looking for more information or want to acquire SEO services, then consult with experts at ProICT LLC- one of the fastest-growing SEO Service Provider Company in the USA.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Google Says: H1 Heading Are Good But Not Necessary

In the virtual world of the internet, an ideal search engine always understands what you need and gives back exactly what you want. For online users, the search engine allows them to access a browser through their devices (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) there are many search engines are available on the web such as Bing, DuckDuckGo,, Twitter, and the most popular one Google.

According to Digital Marketing Professionals, Google is the most popular search engine used for searching across all platforms also handling more than 5.4 billion searches every single day. Nowadays, every online business is having the same objective that they will get a rank on the first page of the Google Search Page. According to the SEO specialists, Google updates its ranking algorithms almost every day which affects the ranks on Google search pages.

Recently Google’s Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller said that “H1 tags are useful but not critical. There’s no limit, neither upper nor lower bound and your site is going to rank perfectly fine with no H1 tags or with five H1 tags.”

That means a title is not more a necessary part to upload any information or content. In simple words, it is good to place a title or h1 Heading tag in your content, but it is not an essential part anymore for your content.

Role of H1 in SEO

Every single post or content contained at least one or more heading that will help the reader to understand the main goal behind posting the content. The h1 HTML tag is commonly used as a title of any content or it is found as a header visible on the top of your webpage. Because of this the formatting of an h1 tag always differs from other header tags such as h2, h3, h4, etc. 

According to Search Engine Optimization experts, adding an H1 heading can help you to categorize or label it with a meaningful title that works as a single-line definition of your whole content or page. If you will include a keyword in h1 header then, it works as an icing on the cake for SEO optimization. This strategy is used in the early 2000’s, but nowadays the situation and strategies has also got updated.

Is H1 tag actually helps to convey page structure?

John Mueller also said that heading tags are useful for outlining the page structure so that a user can understand the fundamental or table of content easily and intuitively. I also agree with him and as per my point of view, a well implemented heading strategy can be a good way to present the concept or goal behind your page.

If you want that your visitors will easily recognize “what a webpage or content is having?” then what you need is a properly planned h1 header tag. A well strategized header can helps to break the scenario of a drowning page of text, making it easier to read.

So here are a long discussion about the good things and bad things about using H1 heading tags for your webpages and content. As John said h1 header can help new users to gain interest in your pages, but it is not an essential part of it. If you want to include it in your webpage or content then, you can consult with the experts of ProICT LLC. You can consult with them not only for H1 headers, for other Digital Marketing or IT related services too.  

Friday, July 17, 2020

Multicultural Marketing- The Core of Your Digital Advertising

Stephen R. Covey once said, “Strength lies in differences not in similarities” and as a part of the rapidly growing market, I could never agree more.
Reaching and engaging local customers is already a challenge for marketing professionals. However, as a business starts to grow internationally, on new countries, cultures, and regions, marketers often find themselves crossing important boundaries which can alter their message and how they are received by their audience. In the marketing world, it doesn’t matter whether you reaching clients in UK, UAE, Australia or you are hiring Digital marketing company in the USA to do so.
The rule of engagement remains the very same – you need to leave a positive impression on clients through the right channel.

The right messaging is the key to brand recognition and market success which is only possible through well-conceived multicultural marketing strategy. But, adding multicultural marketing in your digital marketing strategy is not an easy task as seems. Here we are neither talking about redesigning your internet marketing strategies for business nor translating your message in different languages. The real multicultural strategy is all about creating brand awareness and loyalty through an authentic approach to reach customers.

Is your current messaging is not impressive?

NO, I am not saying that your current messaging cannot be used to deliver the right message to a multicultural audience. But if you are really serious about expanding your business and reaching a wider audience then, you have to come up with a strategy to connect with the consumers on their personal level. Yes, I agree that translation can be a part of the entire strategy of building connecting and strengthening relationships. 

In order to be successful among the international audience, brands need to understand the interests and desire of the audience. Another important thing brands need to understand is no group is monolithic; Asian American can be a minority but when it comes to engaging the broad audience brands often overlook things like diversity, age, religion, income, sexual orientation, education, and other essential factors. To send an effective message through the multicultural strategy, brands need to recognize these factors and use the criteria to define their target audience. Here are some examples of multicultural strategy: -

  • Go beyond diversity and engage through inclusion

When it comes to reaching and engaging a new audience, one of the most common challenge brands face is creating a message that resonates. Each market has its own set of challenges so chances are there that strategy that worked in one market might not work in another. Perhaps that only thing that is worse than copy-pasting your message in a different language is creating a new market messaging that represent the stereotypes or have limited understanding of the whole community.

Experts say that diversity is one of the major ingredient of the recipe to build effective multicultural strategy. In the marketing itself, diversity represents a variety of people in your marketing and modifying hiring practices to bring more diversity in your team itself.
  • Creating an authentic message for your audience

Once you have a diverse team or teams in place to look after the multicultural internet marketing strategies for business-consider the fact that you may need to bring all of them on a single table to discuss what can be done to serve communities better. These teams need to come up with the templates to create messaging that can engage a new audience. Your company can do in-house or with the help of a Digital marketing company in the USA. As a multinational company, you should not force your local marketing team to incorporate multicultural campaigns, instead, you must find new ways to promote your product.
  • Understand the impact of your decision

In this era of technology where businesses run upon a pile of data, analyzing can always help you to assess the overall efficiency of your campaign- including what is working out fine and what needs to be changed. The analytics can also help you to push monolithic views of the cultural group behind and analyze according to different criteria. For example; - suppose, on the big screen your brand is performing well but when you analyze according to the different criteria, you may find that the second-generation performance is being dragged down by the poor performance.

Communities that feel overlooked by the dominant marketing strategies would find multicultural marketing as a fresh gush of wind. Brands who adopt the concept of multicultural marketing can stand among the crowd and engage with different audiences. However, if you are still facing difficulties while creating multicultural internet marketing strategies for business then, professionals at ProICT LLC can surely help you out.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Reasons Why Your Social Media Marketing Strategies Are Not Working

Does it feel like you are not reaching anywhere near your goals with your social media marketing techniques? With increasing competition in the market, people have started targeting all social media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. But even after focusing on several channels if you could not get the potential customers then, it is time to sit back and find out areas where your efforts are lacking. In this post, you will read about possible reasons for the failure of your social media marketing tactics plus tips to help you out of the situation.

Social Media Marketing Techniques for Business Growth

  1. You are not working with clear goals and objectives
Your marketing strategies won’t work until you have a clear vision of your overall social media goals like what you actually want to achieve with the social marketing. No matter, whether the goal is to drag traffic to the website, increase followers or just put a smile on the audience’s face. Every post on the social media should be focused to meet goals and objective.
To resolve this issue write down the main goals and objective you want to achieve with your online marketing strategies. Look at your current goals to find out where you need to make the necessary changes. For the start, you can focus on the first three goals and add more after reaching them.

  1. You are overestimating the power of community
We all understand the importance of creating the community on the social media channels but what businesses misunderstand here is what type of community they are actually looking forward to creating. If you ask a layman the definition of the social community the possible answer you will find that “It is an online platform where thousands of people gathered to just read the content which will change their lives” but it is not true. In reality, businesses create the community to showcase the level of change their products are bringing in the market.  
You have to stop thinking that every social media user is looking forward to being friends with your brand. Start being realistic with your community goals because once you realize actual motive behind building the community the result of your marketing strategies will automatically increase.

  1. You are not advertising
I have witnessed hundreds of marketers who still have a strong dislike for social media advertising. We know that not every business organization have a big budget to go with the advertising part but at least some of them can utilize it. After all, how long you are going to stay on the fix rides with continuously changing marketing factors I suggest you stretch your budget and try social media advertising.  

  1. You really not into data
The data you have gathered through the social media channels play a huge role in the overall social media results. If you fail to recognize, analyse and organize social media data you have gathered through your social media optimization strategies then you are surely moving blind. You should spare some time to understand how your customers buy products and how effective they are. 
ProICT LLC is an digital marketing agency who are widely known for developing the best Social Media marketing tactics that delivers expected results.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Tips To Design Attractive Portfolio For Your Company

A well-written company’s profile can increase the possibility of having genuine customers to gain new business and expand your network. The company’s profile is also known as a portfolio that can help an organization to portray the history, upcoming activities, and information of products and services they are offering. Every business requires an impressive portfolio to broadcast its working summary and projects to earn customer faith and also promote their name.
However, the website is similar to the portfolio, but it contains much information which is time consuming for viewers. That is why Website designing professionals start designing an online portfolio that enables the user to learn more about your products or services and the process behind the closed doors used for the end-product. In this blog post, we will uncover some tips to design an attractive portfolio and why they are important, what to include, and much more. 

Why a company needs an online portfolio?

Since the website promotes a business 24/7, creating an online portfolio can be a great way to get new customers and establish your brand on the internet. It is like online brochure products, services, and achievements and creates a good reputation of your company in the middle of customers.
Even professional website designers also said that an online portfolio enables users to learn good facts about your business and what kind of quality products you are serving to your current customers. You can use it as a business strategy to show the growth of the company to bring possible investors and shareholders who can invest in your business too. 

What to include in a portfolio?

To design an imposing portfolio try to keep the structure as simple as you can and must include the following elements in the portfolio.

Introduction or about us page

The first thing you need to provide a short overview or a business profile that describe your company Never forget to add your company’s mission and vision, company’s history, founders, description of what your company offers and their further business intents., number of employees and locations where you provide services.

Achievements and projects 

Here comes the most important part of your portfolio that is a brief description to showcase the previous projects you have done. Usually, professionals try to highlight the project and achievement section because of this what attracts a customer the most. Showcase all the best work you have done and the feedback you received from your happy clients.

Contact information is a must

Your portfolio will serve as a reliable channel of communication among your audience, so do not forget to include your social media profile links and contact information. This will help potential customers to interact with you, who want to avail of your services or products. A contact page must include your business location, professional e-mail address, phone number, and a simple contact form.
At the end of the blog, I hope this blog will help you and I would like to suggest you keep your company’s portfolio updated all the time so that customers can see your latest achievements and can come to you.
If you want to learn more about Website Designing and Development, you can visit the website to read our more blogs. Individuals who are facing any difficulty or confusion while creating your online portfolio can consult with our experts available at ProICT LLC, which is the one-stop destination of all web development services and fits in your budget as well.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Unforgettable Efforts Of Google And Apple Against Corona Pandemic

The corona pandemic is still wreaking havoc in the global economy, forcing businesses to shutter down, and people stay locked in their homes. Among this crisis, tech giants like Apple and Google have decided to join forces to come up with the automatic contact-tracking system to track down the infected people who are hiding their travel history to prevent the quarantine. The objective of this merge is to reduce the spread of the pandemic with the help of technology. 
These new apps that are paired with smarter features can be one of the biggest measures to reduce the growth of the fast-spreading illness. However, general concerns like health, data reliability, and data privacy have limited the impact of these apps.

The pandemic and health burden

The sudden strike in the total number of patients has overburden the healthcare sector and worldwide economies with over 4.9 million cases. In the US alone more than 1.5 million confirmed cases of a pandemic resulting in 90,000 deaths as on May 26.

The effectiveness of the traditional apps has been improved

Apple and Google’s exposure notification application programming interface will now be able to available to the states and other health agencies that are putting efforts to put a stop to this pandemic. These agencies can use the API to build apps to notify people if they have come into contact with the Coronavirus infected people.
The API is available in the smartphones through the latest updates in iOS and Android systems that the company launched on 20th May 2020.
The joint statement highlighted that “Google that is known for online marketing solution decided to work with a known brand like Apple for weeks while reaching out public health officials, scientists, privacy groups and government leaders to get the input and guidance to finally come up with the API” they further explained that technology they have created is not an app. 
Public health officials can use this API to create apps that people will install to get updated information about the pandemic. Together they have created a technology that can make these apps work better.
According to the joint statement the users can decide whether they want to share their personal information or data like location with the system or not. If the person is already diagnosed with the COVID-19 then, it is up to him or her whether they want to report it to health officials or not. The companies also believe that strong privacy protections will also encourage people to downloads these apps.
“The North Dakota is excited to become of the first few states in the nation to utilize this advanced software to keep its citizens safe” Doug Burgum, Governor of North Dakota, announced that in a statement.

What about the privacy concern?

The API and apps have raised privacy concerns. According to a recent survey, it was found that half of the Americans would not use such apps or similar tools designed by Apple and Google over privacy concerns.
However, Apple and Google both pledged to shut down the coronavirus tracker when this pandemic ends. Right now, we are not sure whether this advanced tracking API is going to work or not at least they are making efforts to protect the nation that has been brought to its knees by this pandemic. And if we want to win this war against the corona, we may need to stand together as a nation.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Beginner’s Guidance: How Search Engines Crawl, Index, And Rank Web Pages

Do you know how search engines work and perform basic tasks like crawling, indexing, and ranking? As the Pandemic lockdown has left you with plenty of time in hand, it is time to use it to learn about Google- one of the most popular search engines on this planet. While details are quite complex to master in, knowing the basics can help you to comprehend the methods of search engine and enhance your search engine optimization strategies for further projects. 

The ultimate objective of the biggest search engine 

The ultimate objective of Google is to provide the most relevant search results to answer the query of the user and in order to keep as relevant as possible Google has prepared a well-defined process to select the best page to answer the query. In other words, what we are trying to find here is “how Google search results work?” which indeed includes the following steps: 
·         Crawling: - analysing web pages to come up with the web to come up with the most important pages. 
·         Indexing: - storing all the vital information about all the pages for the retrieval.  
·         Ranking: - determining the content of each page to ensure what should rank for which query. 
Let’s dig further to learn more about each step… 

Crawling the web 

The search engine’s work starts with crawling the web to find out pages that already exist and need to be evaluated to identify the web pages for the query. This method works through the crawlers who go through chains of links. These website links contain the links of the other web pages creating a path for crawlers to reach pages on the website. 
Whenever the crawlers visit a web page, they go through the document object model to see what is on the page whether it is an image, video, and content. The DOM goes through the HTML structure to see how internal links are placed. This is how the search engine finds new pages on the web. 
In addition, crawling the entire page in a day is not possible as mentioned earlier crawlers can take weeks to crawl a website. 

Data indexing 

Adding the information on the search engine’s index is called “indexing”. In concise terms, indexing is the collection of databases, and web pages crawled by the search engine bots. The index of organizes and catalogs: 
·         Collected data as per the nature and relevancy of the web page 
·         Map down the links of the website 
·         The clickable text of any link
·         Other required information about the links such as if they are ads, their location on the page, and other aspects. 
The index work as a database for Google so, when a query pops up, it searches and finds out the suitable from the index to satisfy the query of the user. Right before the search engine select which page to show from the database or index it applies algorithms to rank the pages. 

Website ranking 

In order to provide the best result to the users, the search engine must perform some crucial steps to ensure; 
  • The interpret of the user’s query 
  • Identify the web pages in the index related query 
  • Rank those websites on the basis of their relevancy and importance

This is the area where search engine optimization service comes handy. The SEO strategy helps to enhance the relevancy, influence, and importance of web pages for the possible queries. 
Now, when you know the fundamentals of the search engine crawling, indexing, and ranking you can better tune-up your website, blogs, and articles. However, if you are seeking any guidance regarding the search engine then consult with the experts available at the ProICT LLP. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Best Mobile App Development Tools That Are Ruling This 2020

If you are reading our blogs and articles on regular basis then you must be aware of our previous blog where we had a word about some effective mobile applications designing tools. However, this blog post is published in the continuity of my previous blog titled “Best mobile development tools that are ruling this 2020 (Part-I)” which will help you to learn about the trending app development tools that are must for an Mobile application.

So, in my opinion, you should read the previous blog first before reading this one.  As I said in the previous blog, you have learned about three tools,  so let's continue this blog post with the rest one.


Are you most proficient in HTML 5? What about CSS?
Launched by in 2013, Ionic is one of the top open-source hybrid mobile app development tools. It allows you to create your own apps in the language you prefer.
Thanks to built-in integrations with both PhoneGap and Cordova, cross-platform deployment is also made possible. Built on AngularJS and Apache Cordova, Ionic is mostly considered a front-end UI framework. This is because it facilitates and empowers all of the UI interactions and visual/operating elements that your app requires. Top features of Ionic include:
        Intuitive Command Line Interface (CLI) to build and test apps across platforms
        Ability to develop apps with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript technologies
        Myriad pre-developed, pre-designed elements
        High degree of code reusability


Based on JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3, PhoneGap is another top-performing cross-platform mobile app development tool.
At its core, the tool is designed as an open-source framework to help developers create dynamic mobile apps using web technology. It eliminates the need to write code in multiple languages (Java, Objective C) for all relevant mobile platforms.
If you’re a digital marketer with experience in web development, PhoneGap is an excellent resource for transitioning into the mobile app space. That’s because it leverages the familiar web technologies you already know and use, allowing for more rapid iterations and releases.
Those familiar with Apache Cordova might inquire about how the two tools are related. In short, PhoneGap gave rise to Cordova, with its codebase donated in 2011 for incubation.
The project has grown since and Cordova continues to power PhoneGap, much in the same way that WebKit powers a majority of modern web browsers. Premier benefits of PhoneGap include:
        Access to and support for native device APIs (e.g. camera, GPS, accelerometer, etc.)
        Single codebase
        Unique PhoneGap CLI that allows users to create, compile, and run apps from their own command-line terminal
        User-friendly desktop and developer apps

React native

Another native mobile app development tool, React Native relies on JavaScript as its programming language of choice.
Developers will appreciate the flexibility to write code in C, Swift, or Java, as well as the access to advanced editing and video processing functions that other API frameworks cannot provide.
Top features include:
        Code reusability with pre-developed components
        Strong community support
        User-friendly GUI
        Third-party plugin support
        Live and hot reloading


In the world of cloud-based mobile analytics and security products, AppWatch reigns supreme. Users can scan each AppWatch app entirely before using it to find resources and information including descriptions, comments, and logos. This is an excellent way for developers to establish all-important trust and transparency around their brand.
Features of AppWatch include:
        Conversion tracking
        Referral source tracking
        Goal tracking
        Pageview monitoring
        Campaign management
So, now it's time to end this post here, I hope both blog posts will help you to learn mobile app development tools and techniques so that you can stay connected with your precious and loyal customers. In case, if you are in doubt or confused, you can read more blogs and articles at the website of ProICT LLC.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Top 2020 Digital Marketing Trends Knocking Your Door

We lived in the world where marketing trends change within seconds, so it is necessary to keep your knowledge upgraded with all the latest marketing trends. Especially in the virtual world, it is very necessary to have the skills and knowledge of every digital marketing technique in order to promote a brand or an online business.
By using digital marketing, you can increase your reach to the enormous audience in a cost-effective and measurable way. It also works as a valuable asset for the growth of small businesses and helps to compete with popular brands by low advertising this blog post, you would learn about some online marketing trends that will rule this 2020.

Ways to use digital marketing trends for small enterprises

  • Voice search

From the past few years, more than half of the queries across the internet platforms are voice-based searches. Well, the emergence of these kinds of searches happened on various voice assistants such as Siri, Alexa, Cortona which are taking over on the internet platforms. The most important thing to keep in mind is that people search differently when speaking than typing.
However, a traditional keyboard search on Google, it would be common to see a search term like “cost of running a PPC advertisement on social media,” but when someone performs a voice search the queries are more conversational and often longer.
A voice search would be more like “How much does it cost to run a PPC ad?” Voice searches are also more often in the form of a question when compared to keyboard searches.
  • Smarter Use of Google PPC

Google Ads is mature and increasingly easy to use. In recent years, that’s led to just about every B2B company deploying search ads in some way, shape or form. Problem is, that’s driven the cost up on a whole lot of terms.
Google Ads search advertising is essentially an auction. You tell Google what you’re willing to pay if someone clicks one of your ads, and Google decides if and where to show you.
But you don’t just “bid on keywords.” You can choose to match very broadly, or very specifically.
  • Reduce the unnecessary or Garbage Content

Content marketing is not for everyone. When you’re producing content for content’s sake, you’re probably creating garbage. There’s no value to the user, and even if you end up ranking on the first page of Google’s search results, you’re not going to convert anyone.
We couldn’t be happier to say that a B2B marketing trend for 2020 will be the end of people writing just for the heck of it. You might see more content produced, which is inevitable, but smart people will ask why they’re doing what they’re doing, and what value they’re providing.

Therefore, the blog needs to end here, we hope the above tips will make it a little bit easier for you to use these trending digital marketing techniques. In case, you had any doubts or confusion while implementing these updates, or any other query related to Digital Marketing, then you can consult with the experts of ProICT LLC
This is the place where you can get bits of advice from Digital Marketing professionals who are serving in the marketplace as one of the leading Digital Marketing Service Providers In the USA. To know more about social media updates or digital marketing, you can read our previous blog posts available on the official website.